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Touch-free Estimates Help During COVID-19

Pandemic phrases such as “the new normal” and “social distancing” point to COVID-19’s enormous effect on contemporary life. Still, Americans from coast to coast must relocate—whether to a neighboring state or clear across the country—even as these uncertain times continue being, well, uncertain. Pivot Calculating the cost of moving traditionally had involved inviting an individual inside your home. This professional would walk from kitchen to dining room to living room to bedrooms (all the while estimating the price of your move). That was then. This is now. Thanks to technological advances, customers now enjoy a choice of online, social distance-approved... View Article

Springtime Moves Offer More Options

Ahh… springtime. Showers, flowers, warmer weather—and just maybe the best time to hire cross country movers. You might be planning a big relocation and wondering: “Is there a perfect time to move?” “Which moving company near me is up to the task?” While no time can be considered “perfect” for an interstate move, springtime offers distinct advantages. Springtime clean-up Preparing for moving during “the thaw” enables you to conduct a springtime clean. You can catch up on those home-value-boosting jobs you’ve been putting off during the colder months, such as touching up the paint, repairing rickety fences or resurfacing kitchen... View Article

Lee's Moving